Watch your mailbox for the October/November Farm Bureau of Ventura County Newsletter 


What We Do

The Farm Bureau provides information, research, insurance services and other benefits to its members


The organization established and provides key support to the Ventura County Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture, a nonprofit that solicits tax-deductible contributions to finance academic scholarships, research grants, and educational activities.

The organization also manages the Ventura County Agricultural Irrigated Lands Group, which was established in 2006 to help growers and agricultural landowners comply with state water quality regulations. Members of the group, representing 90 percent of the irrigated acreage in the county, pay annual assessments to fund a water quality monitoring program. The group reports the results of that monitoring to the state, and has begun addressing pollution concerns by adopting new management practices designed to protect water quality. For more information see our Water Quality page.

You Can Support Ventura County’s Farms & Farmers​

Everyone is eligible to join. Whether you're a farmer, rancher, business owner or simply a resident who appreciates Ventura County's delicious, locally grown food, there is a Farm Bureau membership that fits your interests and budget.