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What's at Stake: AG Order Event

June 29, 2022 – 9:00 am
In-Person or Zoom Meeting

What's at Stake: AG Order

Learn about the upcoming wastewater discharge requirements, their potential impacts, and how to get involved.

About this Event

For years Farm Bureau of Ventura County has been actively engaged on water issues in Ventura County. One mechanism for that is our administration of the Ventura County Irrigated Lands Group. This coalition aids farmers in complying with and reporting on the water quality requirements set by the Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges from Irrigated Lands Within the Los Angeles Region. Since 2005 the conditional waiver has been on a five year cycle. With each subsequent renewal, more requirements have been added for growers. In the upcoming renewal, which must be completed by February 2023 including the San Juaquin precedential requirements, the Water Board staff have indicated that they will move to an “Ag Order” format, which does not have a cyclical renewal.

Moving to an ag order represents a huge risk and a huge opportunity for growers in Ventura County. If our message is heard, our work will be solidified, and a practical and effective program can be developed without risk of re-writes which inevitably create a kitchen sink opportunity for regulators. However, the downside is that anything in the Ag Order gets baked in, and the challenges already found in the current system may become engrained parts of the framework.

To ensure that growers, water purveyors, and other interested parties have an opportunity to engage in this important process, FBVC will be hosting a hybrid meeting to outline “What’s at Stake”. Please join us:

June 29th, 2022
9:00 AM

In-person RSVP is required due to limited capacity

On Zoom:

Quick link:

Passcode: FBVC0629

Or visit and use:
Webinar ID: 849 7607 0814 Passcode: FBVC0629

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